Borders to Bridges

Artist Janice Frame - Cover image for Borders to Bridges
Artwork by Janice Frame

Arts-Based Curriculum for Social Justice - Belonging, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Sovereignty, Reciprocity

Borders to Bridges is designed to promote dialogue in schools and communities by engendering deeper understanding and discussion to counter the myths, bullying, and fears that negatively affect our learning institutions.

The Guidebook contains practical lessons plans, narratives, poetry, mixed media artwork and resources for K-12 educators, and after-school, refugee, counseling, prison, adult, university, teacher training education programs. Borders to Bridges enriches learning and engages students with issues that touch their lives and communities. Contributors include world-renowned educators, poets, artists, and writers from 38 countries and 20 states of the U.S.


Jessica Hoffman Davis
Jessica Hoffman Davis
Jessica Hoffmann Davis, PhD, founding director of the Arts in Education Program at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, author of numerous articles, books, plays, and a novel,

The book is GORGEOUS and wonderful. Congratulations! What a triumph. Bursting with pride to be part of your wonderful work. This book is already busting boundaries and crossing bridges…it’s a beautiful production, a complete wow

Professor Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
Professor Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
MacArthur Prize winning sociologist, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot is a Research Professor of Education at Harvard University. Author of 11 books, recipient of 30 honorary degrees, she is the first African American woman in Harvard's history to have been awarded an endowed chair in her name.

Borders to Bridges arrived in all of its splendor and glory!... I am impressed with its bold artfulness, its comprehensiveness and detail, its welcoming and generous words and images, its efforts to reveal the values, philosophy, even the politics that shape the curricular projects. What a huge and ambitious piece of work...a long lifetime of work...a soulful and amazing contribution to the discourse at a time when it is most needed.

Susan Klein, M.Ed.
Susan Klein, M.Ed.
“Midwife of story,” storyteller, editor, workshop leader, narrative/story consultant, presentation coach, author of books including Martha’s Vineyard: Now & Zen, and Through a Ruby Window,

The study of critical issues through artistic media–poetry, collage, drama, writing, clay work, dance, song, and the graphic arts–has the power to open minds and broaden horizons, allowing people to voice their experience. The depth and breadth of the activities in Borders to Bridges help us to further tap the wellspring of kinship and compassionate understanding in the human heart.

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Logo for Borders to Bridge distributor Olive Branch Fair Trade Inc.
Olive Branch Fair Trade Inc.
(774) 563-3083
459 State Rd #21
Woodland Center - lower level
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Logo for Borders to Bridge distributor Bunch of Grapes Bookstore
Bunch of Grapes Bookstore
Logo for Borders to Bridge distributor Cronig's Market
Cronig's Market
Logo for Borders to Bridge distributor Edgartown Books
Edgartown Books
Logo for Borders to Bridge distributor Martha's Vineyard Museum
Martha's Vineyard Museum
Brien Hefler
Visitor Services Manager
Martha's Vineyard Museum
508-627-4441 x110
151 Lagoon Pond Road, VH MA 02568
Artist Tina Medina - They Didn't Know They Were Seeds

They Didn't Know We Were Seeds

Artist Tina Medina - They Didn't Know We Were Seeds "Las semillitas," 2021, paper, watercolor, fabric, 10 inches x 8 inches, collection of Ofelia Faz-Garza, photo courtesy of artist.

"Many of my works contemplate the contributions of families, especially indigenous families to the cultivation of the lands, economies, and culture of the United States. The expression, "They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds", mostly used as an activist cry, expresses the feelings of black and brown families whose physical hard labor of the past and today continues to be overlooked as the roots of the success of our country."